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Intimate Space Page 5
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Page 5
She forced her eyes open. Her thigh muscles twitched with anticipation. The steady weight of his hips forcing her legs wide combined with the feel of him stretching her pussy. “Yes.”
“Never forget this. I am your Addain, husband. You are my Tesra—the most important woman in my life. From this day forward we are one and may the Great Fathers save anyone from my wrath should they harm you, for I will have no mercy.”
He chuckled at her statement. His thrusts began. Short, measured strokes followed by deep, hard ones.
“Ah,” she cried. The base of his cock hit her just right.
“Give it up to me.” He quickened the pace. He reached between their intimately joined bodies to brush his fingers over her clit.
She was right there. Her climax so close she could taste it. Every thrust should have been the one to throw her over the top and let her fall into bliss, but her orgasm eluded her. Frustrated with her body, she dug her fingernails into his shoulder blades. “I can’t.”
“Come into the darkness. Join me in Oblivion.”
She didn’t think. Didn’t contemplate the dark space he’d taken her once before. The coldness no longer frightened her. She embraced Oblivion. “Coleverus!”
Contractions rifled down her feminine walls. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him down and kissed him. Her tongue dueled with his. Come for me.
A low growl rumbled in his chest. She sensed he was holding back. Ripping her mouth away, she panted as her second orgasm began to build. Wisps of hair wafted across her lips. “Join me in Oblivion.”
He whispered her name as his hot cum filled her. A soft sprinkling of dust fell on her legs. “What…is the sand…doing…now?” she asked, breathless.
“Trying to heal you from any damage I might have inadvertently caused.”
“I’m fine.” Truthfully, she felt great. Wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders, she held him tight.
“It won’t leave anything to chance. The sand has a will of its own.”
She could see that. “I’ll give it credit. It is determined.”
Rolling onto his back, he took her along and tucked her against his side. “You have no idea.”
She blew out a breath, then another and another until her pulse returned to normal and didn’t feel as if she’d just run a marathon. “Thank you. That was great.” Her emotions softened toward him. Laying her head on his chest, she listened to the steady beat of his heart beneath her ear.
He raised his head up and stared at her face. He brushed his thumb along her temple in a soothing motion that lulled her to sleep. “You are very welcome.”
“Don’t forget, I have to be on Talloria before the tolling of the midday bells,” she mumbled groggily.
“I won’t. Get some rest.”
* * * * *
Coleverus peeked over his shoulder at Jen’Na. A small smile crept across his features as he watched her sleep. How good it felt to have a woman in his bed after so long.
He’d taken the time she napped to review all he’d learned about his wife. She was complex, to say the least. Also, she had a lot to learn about the parent strain known as the Navorains.
He needed so much more time in seclusion with her. The precious moments it would take to convince her to love him were slipping from between his fingers. Instinctively and with the sands assistance, he understood Jen’Na’s heart was softening toward him.
Another hour, maybe two, and he’d own her heart and in turn, he’d gift her with a part of his warrior’s soul. He’d prayed to the Fathers he could pull off the miracle before the marauders blew his micro-ship to space debris. Then, he’d begged them for more time alone with Jenna as the Vor Tulden contacted his ship.
He was caught in a conundrum of his own creation.
To make matters worse, there was her step-sister’s accursed wedding ceremony. The whole idea of communal sex with the grey-skinned Tallorians left a foul taste in his mouth.
The notion he’d have to subject his Tesra to more of their abuse made him want to howl with rage.
He steered his gaze back to the control panel and punched the button to engage the com-link. “Proceed with docking maneuvers. Inform navigation to lay in a course for Talloria,” he commanded. Tossing on his shirt, he waited for his second in command to acknowledge their destination. His grin grew when Jen’Na’s scent, clinging to the material, tickled his nose.
If the question had come from any warrior under his command, he’d have fed them their teeth. Josepherus, like his twin brother Ianverus, were a different angle in his life. His childhood friend didn’t require a reason but deserved an explanation. Also, Josepherus was still dealing, rather poorly, with the death of his family when Navora was destroyed. Coleverus acknowledged Josepherus was aching to get back to his own ship, the Vor Karresh. And, with his mating completed, Josepherus was the next Supreme Commander to take his turn at the space station. “I promised my Tesra she could attend her sister’s mating ceremony before I take her to Lazarus for our own.”
“At once, Supreme Commander,” Josepherus replied. “Congratulations, Coleverus.”
“Thank you.” He let go of the button and sent a thank you to the Great Fathers for seeing them through the rest of their journey without incident. Blowing out a breath, Coleverus turned his attention from the com-link to Jen’Na.
He strode across the room and sat on the bed. With a reverence, he laid his hand on her leg. “Jen’Na, we’re coming up on the Vor Tulden.”
Her eyelids fluttered open and he watched recognition dawn on her features. “Already?” she nearly shouted. He caught her when she bolted from the bed.
“Easy, Tesra.”
“You take it easy,” she sputtered. “This is too incredible.” She combed her fingers through her hair which only made it a bigger mess. He settled his hands on her hips and pulled her against his side. “I’m naked, you farden frig of an idiot. Let me go so I can at least put some clothes on before the ship docks.”
“Jen’Na, no man, woman or child would ever disturb you in our quarters.”
“This is a ship. It has to come into a berth,” she reminded him. Her voice became harried and tears filled her cerulean-blue eyes.
“Aye,” he agreed. Frowning at her, he shook his head. The sand warned him to move carefully with her. Clarity came in a mental snapshot from Jen’Na’s overactive imagination. She actually expected him to parade her through the winding corridors of the Vor Tulden naked. Such as what she’d witnessed during the Tallorian’s mating. “Computer, show my wife our berth.”
The screen flipped on to show the Vor Tulden. Like a child who’d just lost a tooth, the micro-ship’s berth was obvious. A small, almost minute chunk of the ship located just below the bridge and on the fore-keel of the Constellation Class Cruiser was their final destination. “The micro-ships are also our escape pods.”
“Are you telling me, you don’t dock in a bay?”
“No. The bays are full of war frigates and star gliders.”
Relaxation and relief rolled off her tiny frame. “It’s like those snap-together building blocks kids play with on Earth.”
“You’ll have to explain these to me—later.” Cupping her head in his hand, he took her lips in a blistering kiss. A chuckle escaped his lips when she pulled away. “What is it?” Her curiosity knew no bounds.
“This is so cool.”
“I’m glad you approve.” He eased her down so she sat on his lap and together they watched the micro-ship maneuver into position. The sound of power-couplings hissing together and the slight shushing of the ship’s impulse engines as the docking clamps banged told him they’d docked. “Next stop—Talloria.”
She smiled at him but he noticed her grin didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thank you.” A somber note tinged her gratitude.
“Tesra, if you can’t talk to me about what ails y
ou, the sand will do so in your stead.”
“It’s just that I guess I’m an explorer at heart. I’d rather see what’s out there.” She pointed at the emptiness of space. “Or on the other side of the doors here.”
“You made a promise.” Which was what had her torn in two.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Are you allowed to bring a guest to this wedding ceremony?”
“Would you like me to escort you?”
“What do you know about a Tallorian Wedding?”
“Enough to know that no Navorain Warrior would subjugate their Tesra to its depravity.”
“But I will shelter as much as I possibly can from having to take part in the depravity if that is your wish.”
“You know, they’ll ask if we want to have a Tallorian Ceremony. My parents, I mean. They’ll want us to wed according to my step-father’s tradition.” She nibbled on her lower lip with her even, white teeth. “I’m not sure I could stand sharing you with Ab’Ry or my mother.”
“Do you love me, Jen’Na?” His heart started to pound.
“I think I do.”
“That’s not an answer.” He tucked a curl behind her ear. “Tell me the truth, and I’ll have the ship set course for the Navorain home planet. There, we can wed in the tradition of my forefathers and their life-mates.”
“I do love you,” she said and burst into tears.
If it wasn’t for the sand, he’d think she’d been delivered a death decree. Holding her close, he sighed. All her conflicting emotions culminated in his chest. “Is it so amazing that I love you too?”
“The sand?” she whispered once she’d settled down.
“Has a will of its own,” he repeated his statement from earlier.
“And what it brings together let no warrior strike asunder.”
“Exactly.” He brushed his hands down her back. “Tell me where to set course for.”
“I have to face them, don’t I?”
“If you want to find peace in your life—yes.” Sensing this was her major hurdle she needed to overcome, all he could do was promise to keep her safe. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you alone with them for a minute if that is your wish.”
“Okay, we’ll go to Talloria.” She lifted her head to look him square in the eye. “But I’m not sharing you with any of the bridal party. Is that understood, Supreme Commander?”
“Nor will I share you with any of the groom’s party, my Tesra.”
Her smile bloomed. “Done.”
* * * * *
Jenna admitted it was nice to enjoy the wedding banquet without having to worry about an off-handed comment. The truth was somewhat comical now that she looked back on the events of the day.
Dressed in the most beautiful sapphire blue gown she’d ever laid eyes on, she’d shown up on the planet on the arm of the most handsome man in the galaxy. Ab’Ry turned literally pea-green with a good dose of gray the moment they entered the chapel of A’Vor. Jenna didn’t know if that was because the bridal party had over-imbibed or if jealousy was at work.
Truthfully, it didn’t matter to her.
Her mother’s reaction was worst of all, though. She was spitting mad that Jen’Na had gone off and mated without her approval. Coleverus stepped in and took control of that situation.
After a short explanation regarding his culture, he almost dared the woman to try to split them up. Jen’Na thought it was nearly a David versus Goliath challenge he was throwing at her mother.
In the end, her mother backed down and welcomed him to the family.
“To Navora?” Jen’Na asked once they were back aboard the Vor Tulden. Standing on the massive bridge, she watched the warriors at their stations. The Vor Tulden hummed with power, the quantum cooled warp drive waiting for orders. The crewmen stared at their captain.
“Navigator, set a course for the home planet.”
A resounding shout came from all around her. Jen’Na hugged Coleverus tighter.
“Take my Tesra to the stars.”
Clinging to him, she let her eyes close. Contentment filled her soul. “I love the stars.”
“Aye, you do.”
“And, I love you.”
The End
Author Bio
In Belladonna’s formative years, her mother told her, “An imagination is a terrible thing to waste.” That’s what happens when one’s mother is also an author. In adulthood, life took her in a different direction. She became a professional portrait photographer.
Her mother never gave up on her imaginative daughter and finally convinced her to try to write a story. Drawing inspiration from the candid moments that occur in her daytime job, Bella believes every human being has a story to tell. She writes paranormal, multi-cultural contemporary romance with emphasis on real-life cultural divides, historical, fanta-historical and science fiction.
When not working on her next story, she’s out with friends or kills time with her family, but her camera is never far from her side and the next story never far from her thoughts.
Web site: www.belladonnabordeaux.com
Facebook: Belladonna Bordeaux
Blog: http://bellabeenbad.blogspot.com/